地球とお財布にやさしいNo Car田舎Life


Chestnuts 栗

台風の去った翌日、『栗の枝が折れてしもうたから、欲しかったらとりにおいで。』とご近所の方に声をかけていただき、大喜びで軍手、火ばさみ、袋をもって栗拾いに行ってきました。 とてもたくさんいただいたので、早速栗ごはんと甘露煮に。栗まんじゅうも作ってみました。

Right after the typhoon was gone in September, a neighbor lady called me and said 'Some branches of my chestnut tree with nuts were broken by the typhoon.  Do you want to come and pick them?'.
I rushed to her place with gloves, a tong, and a plastic bag.  It was so much fun to pick chestnuts.  I made chestnuts rice, stewed some in syrup, and made Kuri-manju (chestnuts buns).


It was my first time cooking fresh chestnuts picked right off the tree.
They tasted amazing!
The tender loving care toward the tree by the lady's family must have made them so delicious.