地球とお財布にやさしいNo Car田舎Life


Spring in satoyama 里山の春

今年は天候のいたずらで、いろいろな花が同時に咲いて里山のお花見はとてもにぎやか。桜、梅、桃、もくれん、コブシ、水仙・・・写真はご近所の納屋の前のしだれ桜。 ついでにタケノコも出てきました。桜のはなびらと一緒に記念撮影。

Thanks to the unusual weather, so many kinds of flowers bloomed with cherries this spring.  Plum, peach, magnolia, daffodil, etc..  Even bamboo shoots joined them.  They got their photo taken with a petal of cherry.

Our solar panel was in a spring dress.  I sure love this season!