地球とお財布にやさしいNo Car田舎Life


Sun dried taro stem 干しズイキ


水洗いをした後両端をきれいに切って皮を剥き、藁で編んで水分が抜けるまで干しておくだけ。 皮は包丁をはしっこに引っ掛けるようにすると、スジに沿って一気に剥けます。(フキの皮むきの要領)





The stems of taro (Satoimo) are called Zuiki.  A neighbor lady gave me a whole bunch of them in November.  So I sun-dried half of them.  She taught me how.  Fresh stems got peeled, woven with rice straw, and hanged under the roof.  After they were all dried, they need be soaked in water for one night in advance to cooking.  Then, I blanch them to eliminate bitter taste, and squeez lightly to less some water.  I love to cook them with fried tofu (Usu-age) seasoning with soy sauce, Mirin, and Katuo-bushi.  I'm so grateful for this neighbor lady who is always so eager to share her wisdom with me.