地球とお財布にやさしいNo Car田舎Life


New year's ornaments of rice straws しめ縄づくり


I was so lucky to be taught how to make the new year's ornament with rice straws by my neighbor lady.  She let me help her harvest straw, too.





The beautiful straws used in the ornaments came from all the elaborate work of the farmers.  After harvesting the straws, they dry them in the sun for a short time, store them in shade, eliminate leaves and dark-colored stems, pound them with a wooden hammer, and finally, make them into ropes.

The straw crafts like this photo will be decorated with green leaves, oranges, and paper and are sent to the stores.

The farmers support not only our lives, but also our culture.
I can never thank them enough.

 Here's how they look after adding the decorations.