地球とお財布にやさしいNo Car田舎Life


Yuzu marmalade ゆずマーマレード

 作り方はこちら http://auntjam.exblog.jp/12705036/#12705036_1

My neighbor lady gave me a lot of large yuzu just harvested from her tree.  As a yuzu marmalade lover, I didn't hesitate a moment to make a batch of it.  Since ingredients are always the key to make good food, this marmalade tasted wonderful.

その年配の方がお若い時に植えられた苗がとても大きな木に育ち、立派な実をたわわにつけるそうです。 本当に里山には、お宝がいっぱい!

This lady is in her mid-80's.  She planted the yuzu tree when she was young. It grew into a prolific big tree which bears a lot of large fruits every year.
Satoyama sure is full of treasure and joy!

 It goes well with chocolate cake.