Uda-Matsuyama is a conservation district of traditional buildings. There are a lot of old townhouses built more than 100 year ago. These old buildings are not only well-preserved, but are also actively functioning. Many businesses, which has been operating more than 100 years, are still thriving.
The above photo is the view of the Morino Kuzu Factory from the Monino herb garden. The large doughnut shaped pool is for the purification of Kuzu. It's used every winter to make kuzu powder. The herb garden is also maintained very well. People who visit there can study herbs.
Sake Brewery runs Sake Cellar Cafe in the Meiji-ear building attached
to the cellar. We can enjoy tasting various kinds of their Sake and
other goodies such as Kouji-drink in this photo. They serve us the
water which is used to make their sake. It was so mild and delicious!
This small play-ground for children is surrounded by the beautiful old buildings.
The trail to the ruin of Matsuyama castle was very beautiful but quite steep.
I gave us reaching the ruin halfway.
This townhouse has bathrooms for tourists. It looks old but the interior is all nice & modern.
大宇陀へは近鉄榛原駅からバスがありますが、宇陀川沿いにず〜っと遊歩道が整備されていて、道中はとてもすてきな景色です。歩くのがお好きな方や自転車の方にはぜひおすすめ! 榛原駅には電動レンタサイクルも有ります。行きは徒歩→帰りはバスというのも楽しいかも。
Instead of using bus from Haibara station, you can walk or bike to Matsuyama district along the Uda river on a promenade surrounded by beautiful scenery. Rental electric bicycles are available at the Haibara station.