今日は垣内(かいと=小さい集落)の「とんど」がありました。平安時代からつづく小正月の行事だそうで、青竹を積み上げ 門松やしめ縄飾り、おふだなどを一緒に燃やします。随分前から地域の竹を切り出して準備し、当日皆が持ちよったしめ縄やうちわなどを飾り付け、組み上げたものを燃やします。
People in my community held 'Tondo', new year's bon fire, today. Tondo originates to the imperial court's event which dates back to Heian period.
We prepare green bamboo many weeks in advance. On the day of Tondo, people bring their new year's ornaments and fans. After assembling them into the gigantic constructon, we set fire on it.
Most of the ornaments are made of the materials such as bamboo and rice straw from our community.
After the fire goes down, mochi rice cake is ccoked with handmade tools.
Many people in the community are rice farmers, so everything from rice to the bamboo cooking tools is made themselves..
Tondo is full of local people's wisdom, hard work, and gratitude to nature.
The mochi that my neighbor (rice farmer) gave me was super delicious!